Wednesday, March 11, 2009

barbara jean filled the world
earthquake baby
it goes so fast it talks (robert g.)
the heart on his sleeve


karisa said...

oh my goodness chels, you are amazing. your art is so original and interesting. way to go! i wish i could have made it to your show.

Jamie Onken said...

they are all great but I think nefertiti is my favorite. you are so talented!

Oliver Chipping said...

Chel-C. I'm so mad I couldn't get out to this show, crazy times as always, but I want you to know how much I love this work you have been doing! your kind of blowing me away here. I have to see these more closely some time. soon is preferable.

Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

beautiful! and so interesting, too. i love them. and they look great all hung in the gallery, too. way to go.

Ms. Read said...

I'm so glad you posted them - they look great. It was such a moment to enter the gallery with you and see this - so proud!!

Jon said...

You are so cool chels. I mean I really love your work.

Summer said...

Chels!! Found your blog from Jamie & Nick's. Wow...I had no idea you painted-hmmm...I'd say you have some talent. Love it all! Hope all is well with you and your fam.