Wednesday, October 1, 2008

hold on to your butts

my thesis show, drawn by lottery, is scheduled for february 16-20. the reception will most likely be the 17th. consider me officially insane until president's day. my apologies.


Ms. Read said...

How about a photo of the piece that is in your show?

KRISTIN said...

Seriously, I'm holding on to my butt. That's so exciting and I'm sure crazy all at the same time. It makes me jealous and also not jealous. Go get 'em champ!

Heidi said...

Sorry you got an early date - but I know you'll get it done and be amazing as always. I'm glad we could see your piece the other night - it's exciting, Sis.

Suzanne said...

My blog stalking my turn into art stalking because Claremont is only FOUR HOURS from Fresno and I have not seen you in almost EIGHT YEARS.

You do the math...